
Classic Earth911 Podcast: Plastic, Sustainability, and You

Take a trip back to February 2020, when the Earth911 team assembed at the microphone to talk about plastic, sustainability, and the actions we can all take around the house to reduce, reuse, and recycle. This week, learn how to recycle disposable contact lenses and how to create a zero-waste kitchen. We also talk through the many problems with bottled water in plastic packaging, from the reliance on virgin petroleum resources to micro-plastics in bottled and tap water. Finally, you have probably purchased a dozen things this year that came with a silica gel pack to prevent moisture damage — did you know you can use them to create a potpourri, prevent jewelry from tarnishing, and to protect personal documents from aging? We’ve got the whole silica gel reuse lowdown.

In Earthling Questions, you asked and we answered: What to do with 1,300 DVD cases? Does Earth911 recommend any office paper and forms or checks companies? And, can VHS tape cases be recycled?

Editor’s Note: this episode originally aired on February 10, 2020.

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